Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church, and it marks the beginning of a person’s journey in to faith with God. It is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. In some denominations this Sacrament is referred to as Christening. Literally making Christ-like. Through Baptism we become members of Christ, and we are welcomed into the Church.
For those who wanted to have their child/children baptism, parents are requested to fill up the Baptism Registration Form (HERE) and attend the 2 day baptism classes (at most and hour each) at the Parish Office. Baptism Registration form together with the admin fee should be forwarded to the Parish Office before attending baptism classes.
Baptism classes are scheduled on the first two Tuesdays of the month, 7pm at the Parish Office. Baptism rites are scheduled every 3rd Saturday of the month., 10am.
Godparents: It is required for the child to have at least one (1) Catholic Godparent. It can be a family member (excluding Parents) like Grandparents or friends.
For more information about Baptism, please contact the Parish Office during office hours
The Parish runs the annual Sacramental Programme for children ages from 9 years and over. It covers the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist (First Communion). There are usually 6 classes/meetings for each of the sacraments that the child/children have to attend before receiving the sacraments.
For those interested in having their child/children attend the Sacramental Programme, the following items are required:
- Completed Enrolment Form (HERE)
- Baptism Certificate of the child
- Sponsor’ s Name
- Confirmation Name
- Administration Fee
All these should be forwarded to the Parish Office one week before the commencement of the programme.
The schedule of the Sacramental Programme for next year are posted in the newsletter and the parish website before the end of the current year.